Plan miasta Koenigswalde

Koenigswalde - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Sangiran Archaeological Sites ? Place For Your Trip

In 1934 the anthropologist of Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald begin research in the area. In subsequent years, the results of excavations discovered the remains of the first human ancestor, Pithecanthropus erectus (?Java Man. ...
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Kurt Vonnegut Dies at 84 | MetaFilter

I didn't just direct, either; I also played Von bKoenigswald/b. Although they'll never see this comment, I want to thank Max, Ben, Andrew, Dale, Paul, Nina, Kelley, Mike, Beej, Howard, Phyllis, and everyone else whose time and effort made it possible. ... I read Cat's Cradle when I was on bvacation/b when I was 13. When I got back home I went to the used book store and bought every single Vonnegut they had and read them all within a few weeks. Fraking great stuff. ...
źródło: BlogSearch


Title, Publication style='display:none'> Date, Original N style='display:none'>ational Class, Publication style='display:none'> Number, Publication style='display:none'> Country, Number of style='display:none'> Claims ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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